JSW Steel aims at 50MT capacity by 2030

By 2030, JSW Steel wants to increase its capacity from the current 27 million tonnes to 50 million tonnes. In both greenfield and brownfield developments, the expansion will take place.

When PSUs like Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) and iron-ore producer NMDC Ltd’s steel factory are divested, JSW group would make an offer, according to the corporation.

“We must aspire to the same things that the nation does. Our goal should be in line with the nation’s 2030 target of 300 million tonnes. 50 million tonnes would be a reasonable goal” during a gathering of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, the business stated.

Jindal stated during his address that he pushes both his staff and himself to perform on a global stage.

Jindal stated that he hopes the export duty is lifted since he sees stability in steel prices. According to him, the steel ministry has advised against eliminating the export duty. About 25% of JSW’s production is exported, but this has been hampered by taxes, he claimed.

In response to a query regarding business accessibility, Jindal stated that although there is a problem in the steel sector, it will be resolved. “Prior to the project moving to Odhisa, I had originally planned to build a steel plant in Bengal, but that couldn’t materialise since we lacked access to iron ore deposits. In Bengal, we operate a cement plant ” stated by Jindal.

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