Surya Roshni announced that it has received orders worth Rs 147.30 crore from IOCL for API 5L grade coated pipes and powder coated GI pipes (India). GAIL has placed an order with the company to supply power coated GI pipes PAN India for the City Gas Distribution (CGD) project. The order is worth Rs 23.35 crore in total. The order will be carried out in 18 months.
It has also received an order from IOCL to supply API 5L coated and bare pipes to Tamil Nadu. The order is worth Rs 123.95 crore in total. The order will be carried out in 9 months. Surya Roshni is the world’s largest GI steel pipe manufacturer and the second largest lighting product manufacturer, as well as a manufacturing conglomerate with interests in steel pipes, cold rolled sheets and 3LPE coated API pipes, LED and conventional lighting products, fans, electric appliances, PVC pipes, and other products.