Shalby Academy signs MoU with IIPH, Gandhinagar

Shalby Academy, Shalby Ltd’s healthcare education division, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Indian Institute of Public Health University (IIPH), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, to jointly develop and run a one-year Advance Management Program in Hospital Leadership, for capacity building of Healthcare Professionals in India and abroad, using the University’s and Shalby Academy’s LMS platform.

The MoU was signed today in Gandhinagar by the Director of IIPH University and the Group CHRO of Shalby Ltd, in the presence of other senior officials. The Program will be delivered online and on-campus, with a focus on emerging challenges in hospital and healthcare management that will leverage the strengths of both parties. This will be a tailored programme for healthcare professionals interested in becoming hospital CXOs.

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