RailTel Corp receives orders worth Rs 115 crore

RailTel Corporation of India announced that it has received orders totaling Rs 115.05 crore from Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation (BSEDC) and National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated (NICSI).

The order from Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation (a Government of Bihar undertaking) is for the implementation and management of an electronic knowledge network (100 mbps internet connectivity, wi-fi system, and smart classes) in academic/administrative buildings of Government Engineering Colleges and Polytechnic Institutes under the Department of Science and Technology. The order is worth Rs 84.95 crore in total. However, the total cost of the RailTel portion of the work is Rs 76.10 crore. The project will be completed in 30 weeks. The order, worth Rs 38.95 crore, was placed by National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated (a Government of India Enterprise under NIC) for the installation, testing, and commissioning of 4 mbps lease line connectivity for 19 sites. It will be completed within 12 months of receiving the letter of award (LoA). RailTel, a “Mini Ratna (Category-I)” Central Public Sector Enterprise, is an ICT provider and one of the largest neutral telecom infrastructure providers in the country, with a pan-India optic fibre network on exclusive Right of Way (ROW) along railway track. The Government of India owns 72.84% of the company as of December 31, 2022.

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