Power Grid Wins Project To Build Transmission System In Rajasthan

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited announced that it has won the bid to build an inter-state transmission system for the ‘Transmission System Strengthening Scheme for Evacuation of Power from Solar Energy Zones in Rajasthan (8.1 GW) under Phase-II Part-E’ on a Build, Own, Operate, and Maintain (BOOM) basis via Tariff Based Competitive Bidding. This will help to strengthen the transmission infrastructure and allow for the evacuation of power generated in Rajasthan’s solar energy zones. It is a significant step towards meeting India’s renewable energy targets and promoting long-term development.

A Letter of Intent was received by Power Grid Corporation (LoI). The letter of intent is for a project that entails constructing a 765kV D/c Transmission Line in the state of Rajasthan, as well as the necessary Line Bays.

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