PNC Infratech announced on Wednesday that it had received Letters of Award (LoA) from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for three projects totaling Rs 3,264.43 crore. The NHAI projects mentioned above are for the construction of highways in Bihar, according to a stock exchange filing. PNC Infratech has been awarded a project to build a six-lane Greenfield Varanasi-Ranchi-Kolkata highway connecting the junction with the Chandauli-Chainpur Road near Khainti village to the junction with the Bhabhua-Adhaura Road near Palka village. The project is part of the Bharatmala Pariyojana in Bihar, and it costs Rs 891 crore in Hybrid Annuity Mode (Package 2).
The second project is for the construction of a 36-kilometer-long six-lane Greenfield Varanasi-Ranchi-Kolkata highway from the junction with Bhabhua-Adhaura Road in Bhairopur village to Konki village. The total cost of the project is Rs 1,113.43 crore. The third project awarded to the construction engineering firm by NHAI is for the construction of a 35.2-kilometer-long six-lane Greenfield Varanasi-Ranchi-Kolkata highway from Pachmon village to Anarbansalea village. The total cost of the project is Rs 1,260 crore. All three construction projects are expected to be completed within 24 months of their appointment date, with a 15-year operational period following construction.