Infosys enters into a strategic partnership with ng-voice GmbH

Infosys has announced a strategic partnership with ng-voice GmbH, the market leader in cloud-native Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) solutions. Infosys will provide ng-voice systems integration services via a global delivery model, enabling telecom operators to deploy fully containerized and cloud-native network solutions across Europe. Infosys was chosen for its deep domain expertise, breadth of service offerings, and diverse talent pool, which can support ng-industry-first voice’s truly cloud-native IMS.

As part of the agreement, Infosys will provide a suite of cross-industry services, solutions, and platforms to help enterprises and communication service providers (CSPs) drive business agility and growth through agile, flexible, and resource-efficient cloud-native business platforms. Based on this, Infosys and ng-voice will collaborate to provide managed services to support the network solution, while also encouraging innovation and providing personalised customer experiences.

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