Blue Star rose 1.05% to Rs 1463.45 after the company announced that it had secured Railway Electrification orders worth Rs 575 crore, allowing it to successfully expand its presence in the Railways segment. The West Central Railway (Kota Division), the Central Organization for Railway Electrification (CORE), and the Metro Railway, Kolkata have all awarded the company four railway electrification orders. Blue Star’s managing director, B Thiagarajan, adds, “With railways being one of the Indian Government’s key focus areas, we are pleased that we are contributing to the growth and development of India’s railway infrastructure.”
Blue Star is well-positioned to capitalise on the growing opportunities in the Railway Electrification space, thanks to its superior project management expertise and experience working on a variety of HVAC&R and MEP projects. Blue Star is a commercial refrigeration and air conditioning company. The company provides a variety of services, including electrical, plumbing, and firefighting. Electro-mechanical projects, packaged air conditioning systems, and unitary products are among its segments.