As per company statement a new brand of do-it-yourself biryani is set to hit nearby stands, with Adani Wilmar to launch a kit this fiscal under the Kohinoor brand. Currently such kits in the market include – Daawat Biryani Kit, Al-Barkat Chicken Biryani, Gits Ready to Eat Biryani, Indian Kitchen Foods Gluten Free Vegan Biryani, 24 Mantra Organic Biryani, Biryani ready to eat Tata Q, among others.
Adani Wilmar is presently selling ready-to-cook khichdis and decided to expand its portfolio by focusing more on rice products such as Mexican rice, Thai rice, fried rice and other similar products. The company is also looking to expand its breakfast segment, where it is present with two variations of poha.