Mastering TradingView
- Best for Beginners
- Detailed Coverage with examples
- Especially Designed for Technical Analysis
- One year subscription with Support

Course Introduction
Technical analysis on stocks is a very broad term and for analysing any stock technically, one needs a platform to begin with. Trading view platform which makes technical analysis simpler and cheaper. All tools are available at a click of your finger with a free live feed from the stock market. Additionally, if you want to analyse the fundamental parameters, then you can also do it on the same platform. However, there are some nitties gritties that you should know while doing technical analysis on trading view. So, here we present a structured course from the scratch on the working of Trading View explaining even the small concepts in detail.
The course is beneficial to candidates who want to trade on daily basis and need insights of the trading software. It will create a path to multiple money-making opportunities using advanced software features. These opportunities can be from earning a regular income from trading/investing, salaries from high-paying jobs, or starting a stock market-aligned business.