- Assigned UAN (Universal Account Number), managed by EPFO.
- Covers every establishment if more than 20 people are employed.
- Contribution paid by the employer is 12% of basic wages plus dearness allowance.
- Equal contribution is paid by the employees also.
- Anyone above 54 can withdraw 90% of balance with interest.
- If anyone is employed for more than 60 days can withdraw the whole amount.
- Contribution by employee can avail tax benefits under section 80C.
- Employee paying more than the employee to the EPF is called the Voluntary PF.
- Total contribution till 1.5 lakhs can avail tax benefit under section 80 C.
- Power of Compounding - Tax free interest and Tax free money.
- Rate of interest - 8.1% (2022)
- If an employer has more than 20 employees then it is mandatory for that employer to join the EPF scheme.
- If an employer has less than 20 employees then it is optional for an employer to join the EPF scheme or not.
- If the salary (Basic + DA) of an employee is less than or equal to INR 15,000/- per month, then it is mandatory for that employee to join the EPF Scheme
- If the salary (Basic + DA) of an employee is more than INR 15,000/- per month, then it is optional for that employee to join the EPF Scheme. However, employer offer the benefit to every employee.
- Rate of Interest – 8.1% (as of 2022)
- Tax Free interest.
- Compounding on the interest i.e., interest on interest.
- Equal contribution by the Employer also.
- Tax free retirement fund.
- Tax free pension
- Risk free investment.
- Tax benefit under Section 80C, up to INR 1.5 Lakhs.
EPF scheme is composed of the three schemes:
- Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
- Employee Pension Scheme (EPS)
- Employee Direct Linked Insurance Scheme (EDLI)
- Wealth Creation Fund.
- This is the money that you get after your retirement.
- 8.1% interest is applicable on this fund.
- 90% of the amount can be withdrawn at the age of 57.
- Tax Free Retirement Fund.
- Contribution in this scheme is by the Employer only.
- Employer contributes 8.33% of the basic salary in this scheme.
- Maximum contribution by employer is capped to INR 1250/- per month.
- Minimum pension after retirement is INR 1000/- per month.
- Maximum pension after retirement is INR 7500/- per month.
- Maximum pension after retirement is INR 7500/- per month.
- Pension will be tax free.
- Contribution in this scheme is by the Employer only.
- Contribution by employer is 0.5% in addition to the equal amount contribution.
- This is EPF member Insurance Scheme.
- Minimum Insurance amount is INR 2.5 Lakhs.
- Maximum Insurance amount is INR 7.5 Lakhs
- For companies with more than 20 employees, contribution is 12% of Basic salary.
- All 12% of Basic salary goes into the Employee Provident Fund Scheme.
- Interest on contribution by employee in EPF scheme – 8.1% (as per 2022).
- Employer (for no. of employees > 20) also contributes 12% of the basic salary of an employee but the distribution of 12% is:
- a. 8.33% in Employee Pension Scheme
- b. 3.67% in Employee Provident Fund
- Maximum allowable contribution in Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) is INR 1250/- per month.
- Additional amount of Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) goes to the Employee Provident Fund (EPF).
- Employer (for no. of employees < 20) and employee both contribute 12=0% of the basic salary of an employee. However, the distribution will remain same.
- Interest rate – 8.1% (as per 2022)
- Interest will be tax free, if withdrawn after 5 years.
- EPF comes in EEE (Exempt, Exempt, Exempt) category i.e.
- Tax free Pension.
- Tax free Retirement Fund.
- Tax free Interest.
- Tax benefit under section 80C up to INR 1.5 Lakhs per annum.
- If voluntary contribution (VPF) and 12% contribution exceeds 2.5 lakhs per annum, then the additional amount over 2.5 Lakhs will be taxable.
- Full amount of Employee Provident Fund scheme can be withdrawn after retirement.
- Pension after retirement only if an employee has contributed regularly for more than 10 years.
- If you are unemployed for more than 2 months, then you can withdraw your EPF.
- If you withdraw before 5 years of contribution, then the withdrawal amount will be taxable.
- Advances can also be taken for certain reasons without repayment.
- All the reasons are listed in the withdrawal page in EPFO online account.
- UAN (Universal Account Number) – Unique code for each EPF account.
- UAN gives you online access for all EPFO services.
- You can check passbook, apply for withdrawal, transfer your PF from one employer to your new employer etc. online using UAN.
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